Canticle of the Creatures of 2022
Friday 26 April, 2024
Canticle of the Creatures of 2022
Most revered Creator, Loving Cosmic Christ, and Powerful Spirit,
Friend to all people, and to the universe,
Generous lover,
We praise you and bless you for the gifts you have given us.
You have given us the cosmos, the galaxies,
The stars, including our radiant sun, and our own earth.
We have squandered, abused, an under-appreciated your gifts.
We ask your forgiveness of our ignorance, self-centeredness, and selfishness.
We have neglected Sister Earth
Polluted Sister Water in our oceans, our rivers, and even our sources for drinking;
Used Brother fire for destruction by creating weapons to harm each other and Sister earth
We fail to appreciate Brother Wind when he sends his gentle murmuring into our ears to teach us truth.
We destroy your trees, shrubs, flowers, all good and helpful plants.
We displace the bumble bee, the endangered animals, and even our fellow human beings
Because of our greed and avarice.
We fail to think of the next generations who may not survive.
Help us, blessed Creator, to open our eyes, to act before it is too late.
We know that your omnipotence and never-ending love for humankind will show us the way.
Let us trust science, and You, to save your world.
Let us not overly dwell on our future home with You,
But to act on behalf of the generations of your creatures who will follow us after we give ourselves over to Sister Death.